Wellcome to THE WEB's tasty audio electronics!

On this blogspot page you can find all my electronic music tracks from the clips i present on my YouTube channel - or Albums/EPs from single tracks you might have heard on Soundcloud
For every album/EP/single there is a post, with some descriptions of the making of, a track listing and links/infos about download. most of the stuff is free...
contact: gronku(at)hispeed.ch

Have fun, you're wellcome!

Friday, April 14, 2017

...some updates 2016/2017...

The last two years have been rather quiet and i didn't work much on music. When i had the time to be creative, it rather went into working on video clips for my YT channel.

There was however two solo tracks and a new THE WEB & CXXXVI track; the respective posts are updated accordingly:
THE WEB - Five / Three: Universum and darkbird added
THE WEB & CXXXVI - WTF: Only The Rich Get Colour added

There should be some more stuff in the months to come. Two remixes are on the list, and the Five/Three and WTF series are not yet completed...