In summer 2008 I did another mix down of Exerz. I was still very pleased with this track, so I decided to do a remix. This remix version follows the original quite closely; the bell sounds are tuned a bit lower, the beats are slightly enriched. The alternative version Zerex finally is entirely made up of samples from the remix, with a pounding, straight 4/4 beat and added space synth atmosphere.
For the video of Exerz and Zerex (and title cover of the EP) I used pictures of a "3-dimensional" painting that I made 1991/92 (the title of this painting is "Purzelbaum" = somersault. A somersault for your eyes... ;-).
THE WEB - Exerz EP
1. Exerz ......................7:50
2. Exerz (Remix) ..............6:31
3. Zerex ......................5:51
BRICO - not available, 2008
BRICO - not available, 2008